The first week of December often arrives with a flurry of tinsel and to-do lists. But what if we could embrace the festive season differently this year? This month, in our Pause The Week sessions, we will focus on staying grounded and nurtured during (what can be) an overwhelming time of the year. Whether you are a mother, a daughter, or a partner, this season can bring up some challenging emotions.
So, let's explore a week of mindful moments that can help us find pockets of peace amid the holiday hubbub.
Day 1 - The Power of Intention
As darkness settles early on this first December day, there's something magical about lighting a candle. Let its gentle flame remind you to set an intention for the month ahead. Perhaps it's to move through the season with grace or to find joy in small moments. As you watch the candle's steady light, consider also the boundaries you'll need to protect your peace - which festivities truly matter to you, and which ones might you decline?
Just as the candle's flame has clear edges that define its warm glow, you too can draw gentle lines around your time and energy. Remember, saying 'no' to some invitations means saying 'yes' to your wellbeing. Take a few breaths, watch the flame dance, and let your intention and boundaries settle in your heart.
Day 2 - Tapping Into Tranquillity
Tension can accumulate in our bodies without us noticing. Today, we explore the gentle practice of tapping - a simple yet effective technique to release stress. Using your fingertips, softly tap along your collarbone, the crown of your head, or your temple. With each tap, imagine releasing a little more of that pre-Christmas tension. As you tap, repeat softly to yourself, “I am OK. All will be well. I am safe.” Continue this tapping and affirmation for at least 30 seconds, or for as long as feels right.
When you’re ready, take a few deep, grounding breaths to finish.
This simple EFT technique soothes the nervous system, signalling safety to your body and creating a space for you to reset and regain calm.
Day 3 - The Art of Mindful Present-Buying
Present shopping needn't feel overwhelming. Before you begin, take three deep breaths. Ask yourself: "What would bring joy to this person?" Let your choices flow from a place of thoughtful connection rather than obligation. Remember, the most meaningful presents often come from the heart rather than the purse.

Day 4 - Grounding in Nature's Embrace
Whether you can step outside onto frost-dusted grass, hug a tree or simply gaze out your window, take a moment to connect with the earth's steady presence. Feel its solid support beneath you. If you're indoors, imagine roots growing from your feet, drawing up nature's calming energy.
And this evening we meet for our free Pause The Week session, why not join us?
Day 5 - Liberation Through Breath
Today's letting go meditation is beautifully simple:
Breathe in what serves you (peace, joy, love) and breathe out what doesn't (worry, stress, overwhelm). Five minutes is all you need to reset your nervous system and find your centre again.
Day 6 - The Ritual of Peppermint
There's something particularly festive about peppermint tea in December. As you prepare your cuppa, let each step become a mindful moment. Feel the warmth of the mug in your hands. Inhale the invigorating aroma. Let each sip be a reminder to pause and return to the present moment.

Day 7 - Saturday Check-in
As the week draws to a close, take time to reflect. Find a quiet corner, open your journal, and let your thoughts flow onto the page. What moments of calm have you discovered? How has slowing down affected your experience of the season?
- This week, I felt most at peace when...
- The practice that surprised me most was...
- I noticed my body relax when...
- One boundary I'm proud of setting this week...
- The most challenging moment was... and I handled it by...
- Tomorrow, I will make space for calm by...
- This week taught me... about my relationship with busy-ness
- In the coming week, I want to remember to...
- My intention for next week is...
- Three things I'm grateful for in this slower pace...
As you write, don't judge your responses or try to craft perfect answers. Let your pen wander honestly across the page. Remember, finding peace isn't about perfect practice – it's about returning to these simple anchors whenever you need them. Through your reflections, patterns may emerge, showing you which practices truly resonate and which moments naturally invite calm into your day.
The beauty of these practices lies in their simplicity. They don't require special equipment or hours of your time. Instead, they offer gentle invitations to pause, breathe, and remember that even in the busiest season, moments of calm are always within reach.
As you move through December, carry these practices with you like treasured baubles, ready to be unwrapped whenever you need a moment of peace. After all, the greatest gift we can give ourselves this season is the permission to slow down and savour the magic that surrounds us.
Remember: The path to joy isn't in the perfect execution of festivities but in the gentle moments we create for ourselves along the way. See you next week.